Upgrading from vCenter 5.5 to 6.0? Then you might have run into the following issue during the setup :
The range of ephemeral TCP ports on this system is 1025 to 65534. This range of ports is too large and the system must be reconfigured to use a smaller ephemeral port range before the install can continue.
We recommend using the default range of 49152 to 65535 (For example, by running the command “netsh.exe int ipv4 set dynamicportrange tcp 49152 16384”
And / Or :
Installation of component VCSServiceManager failed with error code ‘1603’
Obviously, VMware find out the range of ephemeral ports to be too large. You can easily scale it down to the recommended values with the step below.
Open the Command Prompt with elevated privileges (Run as Administrator…) and enter the following command :
netsh interface ipv4 set dynamicportrange protocol=tcp startport=49152 numberofports=16384
You should get a simple “OK” output, then you can attempt to press next or start the upgrade wizard again.