Having the following error while executing a R1Soft backup on a Linux server?
Failed backup of LVM configuration
Failed to execute command ‘lvm.static pvs -o pv_fmt,pv_uuid,dev_size,pv_name,pv_mda_free,pv_mda_size,pv_all,seg_all,pvseg_all,vg_all,lv_all –nameprefixes –noheadings –units b –nosuffix –unquoted’
This seem to be related to the latest version. Apparently Idera are aware of the issue and working on a permanent fix.
In meantime, to workaround this issue, you can simply move the R1Soft static version of LVM and replace it with the system one as followed :
1. Move the original file as “.bak” :
mv /usr/sbin/r1soft/lib/lvm.static{,.bak}
2. Create a symbolic link of the system LVM version for R1Soft :
ln -s /sbin/lvm /usr/sbin/r1soft/lib/lvm.static
Your backup should work normally now.