If you see those dmesg output message, this mean that someone is attacking your server. Probably by sending fragmented packets.
TCP: Treason uncloaked! Peer shrinks window
76154906:76154907. Repaired.
This may be avoid by manually blocking this IP in IPtables or if this is a DDoS attack, automated script may be used. See above (use with caution).
Short script:
#!/bin/bash for ATTACKER_IP in $(dmesg | grep 'Treason uncloaked!' | cut -d' ' -f5 | cut -d':' -f1 | sort --unique) do iptables -A INPUT -s $ATTACKER_IP -j DROP done
Complex script:
---cut--- iptables -F TREASON iptables -X TREASON iptables -N TREASON ... (your rest of the rules) iptables -j TREASON # insert before state established and other lines ---cut--- Then, the below script should be in a cronjob (run once every whatever interval you feel fit). ---cut--- #!/bin/bash # Stupid shell script to stop stupid TCP Treason attacks # Setup cronjob to stop them # First, flush and clean Treason rules iptables -F TREASON #iptables -X TREASON #iptables -N TREASON for ATTACKER_IP in $(dmesg | grep 'Treason uncloaked!' | cut -d' ' -f5 | cut -d':' -f1 | sort --unique) do FOUNDIT=0 for DONTBLOCK in $(route -n | grep -v Destination | grep -v Kernel | awk '{print $2}' | sort | uniq && ifconfig -a | grep inet | cut -f 2 -d ':' | cut -f 1 -d ' ' | sort | uniq) do # echo "Checking $DONTBLOCK against $ATTACKER_IP ..." if [ "$DONTBLOCK" = "$ATTACKER_IP" ]; then # echo "UHOH! Hacker using forged local IP! Don't block it!" FOUNDIT=1 fi done if [ "$FOUNDIT" = "0" ]; then # echo "Hacker IP $ATTACKER_IP not found in don't block list... Dropping" iptables -A TREASON -s $ATTACKER_IP/32 -j DROP fi done iptables -A TREASON -j RETURN ---cut---