is a database of common and uncommon problems encountered in the daily life of a system/network administrator.
Who am I?
I have been working in the field for over 23 years (yes, Novell still meant something back then!). During that period, I have worked for various companies (SMB IT shop, medias, manufacturing, ISPs and datacenters) as full time employee or consultant, occupying positions from IT technician, network administrator, system administrator, sales engineer, architect and director.
I am writing this site first of all to better remember solutions to some problems that I have worked on. I could certainly keep these valuable information offline, but I thought sharing with other fellow workers would be nice as I have in the early stage of my carrer used advices from more knowledgable people than I was and this really helped me out. This is my way of giving back.
I found an error, what should I do?
Well, no one is perfect, I apologize in advance for this! Please contact me I will be glad to fix it so we can collectively propagate the accurate information.
Terms Of Use (TOU)
Share with others, using social medias, tech blogs, etc.
Give credit back to it’s owner, please do not duplicate content, link back instead.
The two statements above are my only reward, thanks for playing fair 🙂
This site and his content belong to its owner. You may use its content freely, but you are not authorized to duplicate without mentioning the source.
All instructions, procedures, commands, scripts or any other kind of content is provided as is, without any warranty. I have posted them here because it worked for me, but in some circumstances, based on your environment or setup, some behaviours and steps might differ. Please make sure you do know your stuff and do proper research well, especially before doing anything in production. Understanding the concept rather than copy-pasting is the key for success!
All writing on this site were provided as good intention and considered safe to use, but I cannot be held responsible for any kind of damage it’s usage may cause you.