Author Archives: Kaven Gagnon

About Kaven Gagnon

System & Network Architect

Web : How to disable NextCloud app from CLI

There are many reasons why you’d like to disable an app from the server terminal, such as when an app upgrade went wrong and NextCloud is stuck in the process. Once logged with SSH to your server, do the following : 1. Go to your NextCloud installation folder : cd /path/to/nextcloud Optional : If you… Read More »

Linux : Exceeds max allowed packet for MySQL or Got an error reading communication packets

Got the following entry in your mysqld.log or mariadb.log? [Warning] Aborted connection 154669 to db: ‘db_name’ user: ‘db_user’ host: ‘hostname’ (Got an error reading communication packets) This is usually related to the “max_allowed_packet” parameter.  Try increasing the value and see if it persist. 1. Check current parameter for max_allowed_packet: show variables like ‘max_allowed_packet’; Output will… Read More »

Windows : Shared folder access error with security policy block unauthenticared guest access

Getting the following error while accessing a SMB/CIFS shared folder from a Windows client machine? You can’t access this shared folder because your organization’s security policy block unauthenticated guest access. These policies help to protect your PC from unsafe or malicious devices on the network. After investigating and making sure you want to enable unauthenticated… Read More »

Linux : Email accounts vanished from cPanel

If all of a sudden, all your email accounts in your cPanel vanished for no reason, here is what Look to see if the email account data is still present under the following path : /home/$user/mail/$domain And see if there are folders corresponding to the email account name (folders will be named with whatever preceed… Read More »