Category Archives: Servers

Linux : OpenVPN client connection timeout after 24 hours

You probably experienced VPN session disconnection exactly 24 hours after you established the connection. Well, this is an expected behaviour since the OpenVPN Access Server implement a default 24 hours session timeout for user-locked and server-locked profiles. To workaround this limitation, you may set the timeout to a higher value using the following command : /usr/local/openvpn_as/scripts/sacli… Read More »

Linux : Centrify adclient ERROR base.adagent Can’t use default machine password. Please reset computer account in Active Directory.

Whatever you’ve been using Centrify for a month or years on a Linux machine joined to an Active Directory Domain Controller, login using an AD user might suddenly stop work and display the following error message in the system logs (/var/log/message) : adclient[4933]: INFO <bg:ageBindings> base.bind.healing Lost connection to Running in disconnected mode: KDC refused… Read More »

Windows : Computer cannot be managed

Starting with Windows Server 2008 R2/2012, the fancy remote management feature may return the following error when adding to your centralized Server Manager console : Computer <NAME> cannot be managed. Verify that the network path is correct, the computer is available on the network and that the appropriate Windows Firewall rules are enabled on the… Read More »

Linux : High speed Rsync file transfer

If you have a large amount of data to transfer over the network to another server, Rsync is definately a good way to go. However, since Rsync is using SSH, data encryption can add an extra bottle neck to your speed transfer. You may want to disable encryption if you are transfering locally or if… Read More »

Linux : R1Soft snapshot failed with error ‘FILE IO ERROR’!

Having this error on your R1Soft policy for a one or several servers? Error replicating device <PARTITION_MOUNTPOINT> (<PARTITION_UUID>) Protocol error, expected request finished Encountered <0000> read failures! Snapshot failed with error ‘FILE IO ERROR’! An exception occurred during the request. Backup failed due to snapshot error! The next replication will force a full block scan. This is likely… Read More »

Linux : APC usage and hit ratio information page

APC (Alternative PHP Cache) come with a nice script (apc.php) that will sort and show you the memory usage and hit ratio of pages cached into APC memory. Do these easy steps to set this up on your Web server. Copy the script from APC folder into a vHost on your Web server (this example… Read More »

Linux : Install on CentOS/RHEL6

Since CentOS/RedHat Enterprise Linux 6, “mod_file_cache”, commonly referred as “MMapFile” too is no longer provided with Apache binary. File Cache module statically map file pages into memory. This module is still experimental according to Apache documentation, which may explain why it’s not included, even though it was included in CentOS/RHEL5. You may get the following… Read More »