Category Archives: Servers

Servers : How to manually test a SMTP connection using Telnet

Here is the steps required to test and send an e-mail using the command prompt and Telnet. See the commands required below : EHLO MAIL from: RCPT to: DATA From: To: Subject: . QUIT Here is an overview of what you’ll get with the commands in bold : # telnet smtp.domain.tld 25 Trying… Connected… Read More »

R1Soft : Could not authenticate agent

Having this error while trying to test connection between your machine and R1Soft server? ERROR: Could not authenticate agent ERROR: Agent authentication failed. ERROR: AGENT: host ( port (00000) failed authentication ERROR: AGENT: RSA decrypt failed This mean your server have a different authentication key than expected. You need to remove the current key and… Read More »

Linux : undefined symbol: php_end_ob_buffer after PHP upgrade

Getting this error for NewRelic module after PHP update from 5.3 to 5.4? undefined symbol: php_end_ob_buffer in Unknown on line 0 This mean the module is not compatible with your new PHP version. To resolve this matter, follow these easy steps. Uninstall NewRelic completely : yum remove newrelic-daemon newrelic-sysmond newrelic-php5 newrelic-php5-common Then reinstall : yum… Read More »

Linux : Zimbra backup return error ServiceException: system failure: exception during auth

Having this error with Zimbra backups? 2013-11-13 11:26:32,788 INFO [qtp1377413258-164433:] [name=user@domain.tld;mid=15;ip=;ua=ZimbraWebClient – GC30 (Mac);] SoapEngine – handler exception com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException: system failure: exception during auth {RemoteManager: mail.domain.tld->zimbra@mail.domain.tld:22} ExceptionId:qtp1377413258-164433: Code:service.FAILURE This might be caused by the Zimbra user cannot establish a loopback SSH connection to the server. Zimbra rely on the network interface IP to establish the… Read More »

Linux : Apache fail to start Invalid command ‘SSLEngine’

Get this error message while trying to start Apache? Invalid command ‘SSLEngine’, perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration Make sure you are loading mod_SSL by having this statement in your configuration file (such as httpd.conf, ssl.conf, vhost.conf) : LoadModule ssl_module modules/

Windows : Complete certificate request denied with IIS8

I recently end up with the following error while completing a certificate request on Windows Server 2012 and IIS 8 : Execption from HRESULT: 0x8007005(E_ACCESSDENIED) The workaround I’ve found is to manually install the certificate. Follow theses steps to proceed with a manual SSL certificate installation : 1. Open the Microsoft Management Console (well known… Read More »