Category Archives: Servers

Linux : phpMyAdmin – Error Incorrect format parameter

Having the following error while importing a MySQL dump? phpMyAdmin – Error Incorrect format parameter Have a look at the “upload_max_filesize” value in your “php.ini” parameters. Most of the time, the dump file you are trying to import exceed that limit. Increase the value as needed.

Linux : How to change the OpenVPN lockout time policy

By default, OpenVPN has 15 minutes timeout lockout policy for consecutive unsuccessful authentication attempt (whatever you are using Local, PAM or LDAP authentication). If you want to change it to shorter or longer time period, follow these easy steps below : 1. Push the new timeout value to the configuration using this command (this example… Read More »

Linux : cPanel failed to make connection to backend: httpd-UDS

Experiencing the following error loading a Web site hosted on your cPanel server? 503 Service Unavailable And observing the following errors in the Apache logs : [proxy_fcgi:error] [pid 00000] [client] AH01079: failed to make connection to backend: httpd-UDS [proxy:error] [pid 00000] (2)No such file or directory: AH02454: FCGI: attempt to connect to Unix domain… Read More »

Linux : Add OpenNMS data source to Grapfana not found error

Heading toward OpenNMS and Grafana for your monitoring and visualization needs? Way to go! (or Oh Yeah! like Duffman would say). First of all, I suppose since you’ve end up reading that post, that you have a successful installation of OpenNMS, Grafana and OpenNMS Help plugin. Adding a data source in Grafana in your OpenNMS… Read More »