Linux : Add OpenNMS data source to Grapfana not found error

Heading toward OpenNMS and Grafana for your monitoring and visualization needs? Way to go! (or Oh Yeah! like Duffman would say). First of all, I suppose since you’ve end up reading that post, that you have a successful installation of OpenNMS, Grafana and OpenNMS Help plugin. Adding a data source in Grafana in your OpenNMS… Read More »

JunOS : Configuring DHCP forwarder on QFX serie

Here is how to configure DHCP relay on the QFX platform. 1. Define a DHCP server group with DHCP servers IP address(es) : set forwarding-options dhcp-relay server-group <server-group-name> <ip.address> Example : If you want to name the group as “PRD-dhcpSrv” and the IP of the server is : set forwarding-options dhcp-relay server-group PRD-dhcpSrv… Read More »

Windows : Backspace not working with PuTTY

If you are using PuTTY or any variant version such as Kitty (not the feline, but the SSH client!), you may have noticed that backspace does not work with some devices. To resolve this matter, follow the easy steps below. 1. In the client window, on the left pane, browse to : Terminal > Keyboard… Read More »

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