VMware : Importing an OVA file with several disks fails with the error: Unable to access file: x:\vdisk.vmdk. End of OVA file reached while looking for: vdisk.vmdk

Experiencing the following error while importing Guest VM template from single OVA file? Importing an OVA file with several disks fails with the error: Unable to access file: x:\vdisk.vmdk. End of OVA file reached while looking for: vdisk.vmdk I have encountered the following error trying to export a template I made, selecting a single OVA… Read More »

Web : How to password protect a Web directory with htaccess

If for any particular reason you need to password protect a Web directory, on an Apache Web server using htaccess, here are steps below : 1. If not already existing, create a file name “.htaccess” at the root of the folder you want to protect : touch .htaccess 2. Make sure it is readable by… Read More »

Category: Web

JunOS : Port forwarding on Juniper SRX

A friend of mine who was used to the legacy and EOL SSG/ScreenOS platform and he just jumped into the new world of SRX/JunOS gave me the motivation to write this article. As the syntax is quite different between the two platform, it may be harder to get at first and the following example should… Read More »