Linux : SAProuter WARNING: wildcard character used in route target

Have you noticed the following on the console output of SAP Solution Manager? WARNING: wildcard character used in route target This is because you have a wildcard “*” set in the target host <dest-host> and/or the target port <dest-serv>. SAP do not recommend this practice for security reason and output this warning on purpose. However, this… Read More »

Networking : DWDM channels reference chart

Here is a chart for the various DWDM optic channels below. Wavelenght band overview : O-Band : 1270nm to 1370nm E-Band : 1371nm to 1470nm S-Band : 1471nm to 1530nm C-Band : 1531nm to 1570nm L-Band : 1571nm to 1611nm Channel Wavelength (nm) Frequency (THz) 72   (DWDM Channel C72) 1520,25 197,20 71   (DWDM… Read More »

Windows : How to reset the Avast Enterprise Administration Console password

Have you forgotten you Avast Enterprise Administration console password? Fortunately, there is a way to reset it using the “AmsTool.exe” utility, provided with the software. 1. Open the Command Prompt with administrative rights. 2. Enter the following command : “C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Enterprise Administration\AmsTool.exe” /pwdreset NOTE : If for any reason the command does not complete,… Read More »

FabricOS : Warning port 0, domain IDs overlap on Brocade FC

As you probably wanted to extend your Brocade fiber channel fabric by connecting your existing switch to a new one, you probably noticed the following behaviour : 1. The port is blinking (green light) 2. The following message can be shown in the event log : Warning port 0, domain IDs overlap. Switch 19 1 FABR-1001… Read More »

Windows : MacAfee can’t be uninstalled because it is in managed mode

Trying to uninstall the MacAfee Enterprise Agent and get the following error message? Unable to uninstall MacAfee when it is in Managed Mode. To resolve this matter and go through with the uninstallation, you have to change it to unmanaged mode as followed : 1. Open the command prompt 2. Go through the program installation… Read More »

Category: PC

IOS : Configuring the out-of-band on Cisco router

If you have a Cisco ASR or smaller service router, you probably noticed that the device have a dedicated management interface. This special interface is a mapped to a Vritual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) instance. VRF allow multiple routing tables to coexist within the same router. You will first ensure that you have the VRF… Read More »

Linux : How to rename the network interface in CentOS/RHEL7

Since the latest major version release of CentOS/RHEL 7, it seem that we wen’t a bit crazy about the whole systemd thing… Seriously, having a network interface named “eno16780032” isn’t that great! Fortunately, there is a a way of getting back the old naming convention by following these steps : 1. Edit the Grub configuration… Read More »